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An Rubha - The Point Series | James Lumsden

26 January to 9 June 2024

An Rubha - Jumes Lumsden

Working between Edinburgh and Point (An Rubha) on the Isle of Lewis, travelling across the Minch on a regular basis to work, this exhibition, An Rubha presents new and recent work from the Lewis studio.  The work resonates with the creation of a sense of light, colour, depth and feeling.  Using a historical glazing process, yet utilising acrylic paint and mediums, the artist builds multiple thin layers of translucent colour; layer upon layer, glaze upon mark upon glaze - concealing, revealing, action, reaction, until a sense of light and depth is achieved within the process.

"Each painting is imbued with an internal light. Not a depiction of light but the search for a sense of light emanating from within the painting. I want to see something brought to life, struggled for, with a sense of having its own history, and reflective of the time spent on its creation'." James Lumsden

Image: Point Series Strata (8.22), 35 x 35cm - James Lumsden

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